A clean-cut guy with rimmed glasses and a warm smile, Jayson E. Street looks nothing like the stereotypical hacker regularly portrayed in movies (i.e. pale, grim and antisocial). But he is one – he just “hacks” humans. Street is a…
Pulling off a heist is no easy feat – and in order to prevent theft, you best understand the plan of attack. Like any good ol’ traditional heist, there are multiple stages to consider in a cyber-attack. To help prevent…
To illustrate this concept, I have created what I like to call the Pyramid of Pain. This simple diagram shows the relationship between the types of indicators you might use to detect an adversary's activities and how much pain it will cause…
If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got.” This kernel of wisdom comes from a certain high-tech headhunter in the late 1980s, who passed it on as she was helping her candidates prepare…
There are hundreds of thousands of them to choose from now whether you have an iPhone, an Android or some other version of smartphone. Free mobile applications sound like a great bargain, but be aware that if you aren't careful,…
Governments like to know what the leaders of rival countries are really thinking. To answer these questions, they may turn to their spy agencies, tasking them with obtaining information on policy and strategy that other countries would rather keep secret.…
Until recently, most cloud migration decisions were made without the benefit of the CISO's guidance. In an effort to take advantage of cloud efficiencies, line-of-business users have moved critical assets and confidential data to the cloud without an understanding of…
Threat actors leveraged a “notification” feature in the Windows Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) to download malware. In May 2016, the SecureWorks® Incident Response (IR) Team conducted an engagement involving a malware compromise. Antivirus software had previously detected and remediated…