Are you waiting for something bad, or going somewhere good? A CEO asked me that once. It is one of those deep questions that more information security people need to ask themselves. In the world of cybersecurity, the conventional thinking…
Today’s Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) leads an increasingly precarious life.Since the emergence of the job title in the late 1990s, the CISO job has become more complex - and demanding - by the day. Whereas once this was a…
Creating a threat intelligence capability can be a challenging undertaking, and not all companies are ready for it. Businesses that run successful threat intelligence teams generally: Collect externally available data on threats and correlate it with internal events. Be aware…
A clean-cut guy with rimmed glasses and a warm smile, Jayson E. Street looks nothing like the stereotypical hacker regularly portrayed in movies (i.e. pale, grim and antisocial). But he is one – he just “hacks” humans. Street is a…