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The Business Risk of Cyber Threats to Ghana’s Banking & Financial Systems

The Cyber Security Threat Landscape Unless you have been living under a rock for the last few years you most…

By October 2016

Future SOC

Are you waiting for something bad, or going somewhere good? A CEO asked me that once. It is one of…

By August 2016

These CISOs explain why they got fired

Today’s Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) leads an increasingly precarious life.Since the emergence of the job title in the late…

By August 2016

Threat Intelligence Starter Resources

Creating a threat intelligence capability can be a challenging undertaking, and not all companies are ready for it. Businesses that…

By August 2016

The life of a social engineer: Hacking the human

A clean-cut guy with rimmed glasses and a warm smile, Jayson E. Street looks nothing like the stereotypical hacker regularly…

By August 2016

The Cyber Kill Chain or: how I learned to stop worrying and love data breaches

Pulling off a heist is no easy feat – and in order to prevent theft, you best understand the plan…

By July 2016

The Pyramid of Pain

To illustrate this concept, I have created what I like to call the Pyramid of Pain.  This simple diagram shows…

By July 2016

The Information Security Leader, Part 1: Two Distinct Roles, Four Fundamental Questions and Three Persistent Challenges

If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got.” This kernel of wisdom comes…

By July 2016

The Security Cost of Free Smartphone Apps

There are hundreds of thousands of them to choose from now whether you have an iPhone, an Android or some…

By July 2016