DevOps. Machine learning. Faster decision making. The biggest trends in IT are helping us speed release cycles, get more insights, and improve operations like never before. But as IT begins adopting and optimizing these new strategies in their organization, there’s one critical piece that’s often overlooked: an IT operations analytics (ITOA) strategy. IDC recently authored some important research on the topic, which you can download here: IDC Special Report: Worldwide IT Operations Analytics Software Market Shares, 2015.

According to the report, “The key objective [of ITOA] is to optimize IT operational service levels in near real time for production application and infrastructure computing environments.”*

In other words, when you’re using ITOA solutions effectively, your organization simply runs better. According to IDC, when you have an ITOA solution, you can:

  • Avoid service interruptions, slowdowns and outages
  • Have faster root-cause analysis and problem recovery times
  • Enhance system and application performance
  • Improve end-user experience
  • Increase operational efficiency
  • Improve compute resource utilization

More uptime, faster recovery times, and a better experience are amazing technical benefits on their own, but they also translate into reduced costs and increased revenue—benefits that are relevant for the entire organization, not just IT. The problem is not everyone understands that machine data is the backbone of a successful ITOA strategy.

Harnessing the power of your machine data enables you to make decisions based on facts, not intuition or best guesses. That means that monitoring software is not enough. The best ITOA solutions integrate predictive analytics, anomaly detection, and business impact analysis with machine-generated logs to enable root-cause analysis and proactive capacity optimization.

In these solutions, you’re doing more than just aggregating logs—you’re correlating, analyzing and making predictive insights on a growing number of data sources. And your data is liberated and accessible to multiple business stakeholders. The best ITOA solutions enable you to share your data and analysis with other departments within your organization, so everyone has a single-pane-of-glass view. There are no blame games and fewer war rooms.

It’s not accidental that Splunk has ranked number one in worldwide ITOA software market share for 2015 by IDC. And that’s because organizations like Cox Automotive, Cardinal Health, and Surrey Satellite Technology (SSTL) use analytics from the Splunk platform to gain real-time insights and increase IT operational efficiencies. Using this approach, they’ve been able to reduce the number of incidents and improve system uptime and performance. And these organizations aren’t special—these benefits can be achieved by any organization using a data-driven ITOA strategy using Splunk software.

To learn more about the benefits of Splunk for ITOA, download the IDC Special Report: Worldwide IT Operations Analytics Software Market Shares, 2015.
